Gunkul Insights

GUNKUL received SET ESG Rating AA level for the year 2024

‘OCC’ welcomes ‘GUNKUL’, a top energy giant, as a new tenant, reaffirming its status as the premier destination for world-class organizations.

SCB Partners with and Huawei to introduce "Solar Rooftop" Solution on the SCB EASY app, Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles
Investor Corner
We are committed to providing timely and transparent information to our valued shareholders, potential investors, and the financial community.
We do not only care about clean energy innovation but also care about the existence of the planet and the quality of life
We care Business
Develop a worthwhile integrated business that satisfies stakeholders.
We care People
Develop people to be competent at work, talented, possess good interpersonal skills and excellent leadership
We care Social
Create opportunities for a harmonious society and environment for sustainable communities

We Growth Together
Gunkul prioritizes continuous employee development through an efficient management system and a participatory work culture. We aim to foster a 'teamwork culture' and promote continuous learning skills throughout the working period to adapt to the business of the future.